return cons(b, rest);
// big problem: need to rewrite to wiggle around quotes
Sexpr* args = b->value.b.args;
- Sexpr* _cdr = eval(car(args), env);
+ Sexpr* raw_cdr = eval(clone(car(args)), env);
+ Sexpr* _cdr = raw_cdr;
if(_cdr->type == QUOTE)
_cdr = _cdr->value.q;
- Sexpr* _car = eval(car(cdr(args)), env);
+ Sexpr* raw_car = eval(clone(car(cdr(args))), env);
+ Sexpr* _car = raw_car;
if(_car->type == QUOTE)
_car = _car->value.q;
- return cons(from_quote(cons(_car, _cdr)), rest);
+ Sexpr* ret = cons(from_quote(cons(clone(_car),clone(_cdr))), rest);
+ //return cons(from_quote(cons(_car, _cdr)), rest);
+ sexpr_free(raw_car);
+ sexpr_free(raw_cdr);
+ sexpr_free(b);
+ return ret;
Sexpr* c_car(Sexpr* b, Sexpr* rest, Sexpr* env) {
if(CORE_CAR_ARGS != u64_get_num_args(b))
return cons(b, rest);
Sexpr* args = b->value.b.args;
- Sexpr* arg = unquote(eval(car(args), env));
- return cons(from_quote(car(arg)), rest);
+ Sexpr* unqargev = eval(clone(car(args)), env);
+ Sexpr* ret = cons(from_quote(clone(car(unquote(unqargev)))), rest);
+ sexpr_free(unqargev);
+ sexpr_free(b);
+ return ret;
Sexpr* c_cdr(Sexpr* b, Sexpr* rest, Sexpr* env) {
if(CORE_CDR_ARGS != u64_get_num_args(b))
return cons(b, rest);
Sexpr* args = b->value.b.args;
- Sexpr* arg = unquote(eval(car(args), env));
- return cons(from_quote(cdr(arg)), rest);
+ Sexpr* unqargev = eval(clone(car(args)), env);
+ Sexpr* ret = cons(from_quote(clone(cdr(unquote(unqargev)))), rest);
+ //Sexpr* arg = unquote(eval(car(args), env));
+ //return cons(from_quote(cdr(arg)), rest);
+ sexpr_free(unqargev);
+ sexpr_free(b);
+ return ret;
Sexpr* c_if(Sexpr* b, Sexpr* rest, Sexpr* env) {
if(CORE_IF_ARGS != u64_get_num_args(b))
return cons(b, rest);
Sexpr* args = b->value.b.args;
- Sexpr* falsy = car(args);
- Sexpr* truthy = car(cdr(args));
- Sexpr* cond = car(cdr(cdr(args)));
- if(unquote(eval(cond, env))->type != NIL)
+ //Sexpr* falsy = car(args);
+ //Sexpr* truthy = car(cdr(args));
+ Sexpr* cond = eval(clone(car(cdr(cdr(args)))), env);
+ if(unquote(cond)->type != NIL) {
+ Sexpr* truthy = clone(car(cdr(args)));
+ sexpr_free(cond);
+ sexpr_free(b);
return cons(truthy, rest);
- else
+ }
+ else {
+ Sexpr* falsy = clone(car(args));
+ sexpr_free(cond);
+ sexpr_free(b);
return cons(falsy, rest);
+ }
Sexpr* c_eq(Sexpr* b, Sexpr* rest, Sexpr* env) {
if(CORE_EQ_ARGS != u64_get_num_args(b))
return cons(b, rest);
Sexpr* args = b->value.b.args;
// yeah eval is kinda necessary for this one I'd say
- Sexpr* lh = unquote(eval(car(args), env));
- Sexpr* rh = unquote(eval(car(cdr(args)), env));
- if(equal(lh, rh)->type == T)
+ Sexpr* lh = eval(clone(car(args)), env);
+ Sexpr* rh = eval(clone(car(cdr(args))), env);
+ Sexpr* eq_b = equal(unquote(lh), unquote(rh));
+ bool equality = eq_b->type == T;
+ sexpr_free(eq_b);
+ sexpr_free(lh);
+ sexpr_free(rh);
+ sexpr_free(b);
+ if(equality)
return cons(from_t(), rest);
return cons(from_nil(), rest);
return cons(b, rest);
Sexpr* args = b->value.b.args;
// I guess I would need the eval to check if eventually is nil
- if(unquote(eval(car(args), env))->type == NIL)
+ Sexpr* crux = eval(clone(car(args)), env);
+ bool isnil = unquote(crux)->type == NIL;
+ sexpr_free(crux);
+ sexpr_free(b);
+ if(isnil)
return cons(from_t(), rest);
return cons(from_nil(), rest);
if(CORE_ATOM_ARGS != u64_get_num_args(b))
return cons(b, rest);
Sexpr* args = b->value.b.args;
- Sexpr* argeval = eval(car(args), env);
+ Sexpr* argevalhead = eval(clone(car(args)), env);
+ Sexpr* argeval = argevalhead;
while(argeval->type == QUOTE) {
argeval = argeval->value.q;
if(argeval->type != CONS) {
+ sexpr_free(argevalhead);
+ sexpr_free(b);
return cons(from_t(), rest);
+ sexpr_free(argevalhead);
+ sexpr_free(b);
return cons(from_nil(), rest);
if(CORE_DEF_ARGS != u64_get_num_args(b))
return cons(b, rest);
Sexpr* args = b->value.b.args;
- Sexpr* val = eval(car(args), env);
- Sexpr* key = car(cdr(args));
+ Sexpr* val = eval(clone(car(args)), env);
+ Sexpr* key = clone(car(cdr(args)));
append_to_dict(env, key, val);
+ sexpr_free(key);
+ sexpr_free(b);
return cons(val, rest);
Sexpr* c_exit(Sexpr* b, Sexpr* rest, Sexpr* env) {